Wow! I've been tagged by Geri Dunn, an artist who creates wonderful drawings in graphite. I'm honored to be included in this outstanding group.
The rules of the game are:
1. Put a link in your post about the artist who tagged you.
2. Write 5 - 7 unusual things about yourself.
3. Tag 5 - 7 other bloggers and let them know they have been given a blog award.
Rule #1.
Geri Dunn is a very talented artist whose graphite drawings are truly beautiful, capturing the essence of her subject. You can see her work at her blog, and on her
Rule #2. It took me a while to think of unusual things about myself, since I've always considered myself to be pretty ordinary, but here are a few items I came up with:
1. Danced with a semi-professional dance troupe for 18 years.
2. Rode a camel in Egypt and an elephant in India.
3. Was always a tomboy and have the injuries to prove it.
4. Was charged by an elephant in the Masai Mara in Kenya.
5. Bellydanced in a prison on Angel Island.
6. Translated japanese data sheets at my former job.
7. Coached a Beauty Pageant contestant for her talent portion of the Pageant.
Rule #3. The first artist I'm going to tag is Jelaine Faunce. Jelaine creates exquisite realistic paintings in oils and I'm a great fan of her work. Check out her paintings at her blog,, and on her website at
Wow Gwen! That is some truly un-ordinary things that you have done. I'm jeolous, I want to ride an elephant. :)